Monday, March 17, 2008

Sieara my Labrabatish

Heater kicked on

Sieara 5 weeks old

Sieara 3 months old

Sieara 2 months

This is what I wrote about Sieara. on my space.

Living with a labrabat
OK you ask what is a labrabat. It happens to be a lab mixed with rabbit,bat,and a cat her name is Sieara. She hops,runs,sails,flys,and runflys.I have yet to really see her walk. Her leg is doing much better,but how I don't know. Potty trainer her has been so easy that she is 99% there only 1 accident in the last 2 weeks. I got her when she was 5 weeks old and she is going on 10 weeks. She learned to sit and shake hands in the first week .That should of been a warning.
She thinks Daisy the cat must be her Aunt cause she learns a lot from her. Like somehow getting on counter and perching herself there.She will just sit there tell I find her. She loves scaring me and Romeo when ever she can get away with it. She learned that if she jumps on their bed ( right now mine to) that she can then climb on her crate and sail to the back of my chair. Scares the crap out of me, cause she is as quiet as a sneaky cat,and then she misses and falls.
Daisy and I sleep in Romeo and Siearas bed cause she is after all still being house trained and I can hear her.That is if I could get some sleep. Just as I'm able to get curled up and drift off in a deep sleep,heater kicks in. She flys across the room, jolting Romeo,Daisy and I up out of bed. Sieara is now under the table on the heater vent. We just drift off again, heater shuts off and she runs and hops up on the bed. Waking us all up again. Now she is ready to play chewing hair,barking and wanting out again. This happens every single time the heater kicks on and off. No sleep!! I bet I have not had more then 3 hours of sleep a night sense she came here. I took pic of it tonight where she lays.
I am going to start a new sewing project. Sew ropes hanging off the bottom of my pants. She can hang and drag on them and will save ware and tare on pant legs. That is how I get my coffee drag the brat around.
She mastered her runflying very good.She will run full speed then in the air for a little flight before crashing.
As smart as she is I'm hoping she learns to spell. She could teach me how. Gee 6:53 am maybe I can get a little sleep.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Labrabat is now Labrabatish,
I really wanted a water dog to have fun with in the river and things.I guess I should have learned long ago watch what you wish for.. Did you figure out that the ish is now for fish. I have to keep toilet lids closed with heavy items on top.No not cause she drinks out of it, cause she likes to sit in it.That is right all four feet and she waits for me to get her out. The other day saw her sitting there,she did not see me.10 min. later still there she sees me and whines for me to get her out. Cant take a bath without her. She must be the cleanest dog in northern IL.If I lock her out she crys and crys so she gets in with me then dried off then I have to refill and take mine. She sits right on the edge waiting for me to get out. She has learned to balance very well on the edge of tub. Seiara has brought something into my life that I have been missing for years. Yes I have Romeo also and love him to just the same,its just Sieara is not really a dog or something. Very funny. Maybe when she grows up she will have her own funny dog show... Who knows. Dang still cant figure out pics on here. Just have to see her in my pics.


Think all was going OK.
Island at camper under water.

Romeo on way home all tired out

Wet leg

I have blogged about her on my space... Well here is a little more.. Took her to the camper this last weekend for her first time.. First time for car ride other then vet 2 miles a way. I was very lucky she did not get car sick.. Nope not at all. She wanted to stop a few times giving her whine to go out. Nope she didn't have to go. Back in the car and a half mile later I Yell to driver STOP well drive keeps driving thinking I'm yelling at Sieara.. Driver stops I have now a nice warm wet spot on leg.. Let her out of course she went on me so she don't need to go.. Back in car a few mile latter I'm on cell talking to sister who is all ready at their camper. I scream through phone and yell STOP!! Driver stops I have wet spot on the other leg.. LOL.. Guess its better then puke... In the end it was a nice day both kids...I cant figure out how to fix pic. only go on top.. oh well.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I won

I cannot believe it.. I enter a raffle over at Heatherhales. Heather made a beautiful bunny embroidered bunny towel.. I won I won!!!! She does really nice work..I wish I knew how to add links so ya all could see it or even a pic.. going to have to practice on that..Well I was able to get pics, but this is where they landed. mmmmm...

Monday, March 10, 2008

A bagsket for Debbie

Bagsket for Debbie
OK a bagsket for Debbie... Was going to give a sneak peak, but batteries are dead... Only been working on this one for 2 hours now. I should be done in an hour.I hope you like the colors its all I could find on hand that I thought you'd like. Be back in an hour. OK so I fibbed. Lets see its 3:32 am oops forgot to put clock a head an hour 4:33am. So started about 6:30.I think Im about 2 hours sooner this time around. Would have been done hours ago,but had so much trouble with the draw sting top,took it apart 5 times. I really like this one though. I was not sure how the yellow would go with the Daisy's. Wish I had more of both fabrics. If we had not been friends for lets see 30 years I would have maybe given up.But I know how much you wanted these bags...I guess now I have to get to mail box. Need to mail yours,my fabric swap partner,and Emily's stuff. Back to painting tomorrow only have the kitchen to do. Nothing like painting both rooms twice in 6 months.Wish I could make up my mind. This blog is a copy of the one I wrote on my space for my dear friend Debbie.I tried taking some pic. they are on flicker and my space did not turn out. Will do new ones today sometime. Now its 5 am. so Good night or guess to everyone else good morning.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Have not been sewing or crafting this weekend. Decided to paint my livingroom and move rooms around. Last summer I moved from a 2 story full basement to a Mobile home. Oh boy has it been cramped. Of course I couldnt get rid of much and my son moved in with his stuff, and 2 of my grandchildren so not much room. Well this weekend I went out and got me a well needed storage shed. I think Iam going to treasure that unit for sometime. LOL...Then as if I dont have enough tabels. I found some really neat pillars so I of course had to get them. I already had 2 sheets of glass and made a coffee tabel and end table out of them. Hope I can find 2 more like them somewhere. Was not sure if it would work or not but I think they turned out ok. Now to haul the other 5 table to storage Ill have it made. I will take pic of them tomarrow when done putting the room back togeather and its daylight. Still have not been able to get pic. on here only thru my flicker and myspace. To make matters even worse my spellchecking is not working.
On saturdaynight took a brake went and got on pool turnament. Have not done that in a few years all most 30 of us played.. I got 2nd!!!!! Remind myself make eye apt. been reading so many blogs that my eyes are always fuzzy now. I have learned so much in blog world, and met lots nice Ladys. Thank you all!!!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Wow found my way back here. Went to a marry kay party tonight. I knew I should of stayed home,there went my carpet I was going to buy.. Anyways my face did feel good,but my hair need something to be pulled back in. I found a tutorial on here for scrunchies took me all of 10 min. and done. While I was looking for that I came across a sight for making kids sweats out of men's t shirts. No man here other then son and he wouldn't give up one. I found an old pillowcase that had changed color somehow. Couldn't believe how easy it was to make. It maybe took all of 20 start to finish. I didn't sew really good or even change the thread but after all was just a practice one. Tomorrow grandson Cody who is 16 month will get lots of new pants. I tried to add pics of both but wont let me. I put them on flicker. Going to go make more pants to make.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Dont need to drive or leave home to get lost

So I have a little myspace somewhat of a blog. It was fun playing with. One of my contacts Snowlove suggest I do a blog on here. What an experience for the inexperienced. Heck took me for ever in a day to figure out myspace. Now this took all day to get this far. Like the title goes I dont drive and rarely leave home, but I am still lost as hell on here. Wonder if Ill ever even find it again. I get lost in blog city find wonderful people and nice stories but never could get back to them.I didn't know how bookmarks went. After learning them boy I bookmark everything sounds like I shouldn't get lost. Well ya would think now it takes 10 min. to find one thing. Now I have finally learned how to use flicker That has been fun. Meeting lots of wonderful help full people. Maybe by this time next year I might have it down. Html, urls, all that I don't know what to use or witch ones go where. Its like in a big city going in circles and ending up in the same place. But on here It may take me a month to find the same place. OK enough... LOL going to go get lost a again... Maybe Ill be back but if I get lost mmmmm.. WOW this is great word spell.COOL!